At Mountain Christian School we have a Career Coordinator, Ms. Connie Bell, who completed her post-secondary education and experience is in Business Administration, Human Resources Management; a dynamic industry that works directly with organizations to effectively manage organizational and employee needs. She also pursued a career in the Trades and earned her Red Seal Welding Ticket where she worked as a mobile welder in mining and natural gas for several years.
Ms. Bell coordinates the Work Experience (WEX) program and works directly with the high school students and community employers to facilitate and ensure authentic work experiences as required by BC’s new Career Education curriculum. Over the last couple of years, MCS students have explored a variety of exciting work placements in areas that have interested them. As a result, MCS students have gained valuable vocational skills while meeting graduation requirements and earning elective credits.
At Mountain Christian School, we are passionate about the success of our students, both in and out of the classroom. This is why we strive to keep students informed on current opportunities in the community as well as programs offered by the Industry Training Authority (ITA) such as Youth Work in Trades, Youth Explore Trades and Youth Train in Trades.
MCS recently partnered with Northern Lights College (NLC) to allow for students in grade ten to twelve to enroll in the Youth Explore Trades Sampler (YETS) program offered at the NLC. The YETS program is intended to introduce students to several trades such as Carpentry, Welding, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanics, prior to engaging in the commitment required to complete a classic dual credit or apprenticeship educational pathway.