By accessing the network and technology at Mountain Christian School, I agree to abide by the provisions of the Student Acceptable Use Policy for Mountain Christian School:
I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes only.
I understand that if a claim is made against Mountain Christian School as a result of my use of computers or the Internet provided by the school, Mountain Christian School reserves the right to respond as it deems appropriate and to hold all offending parties, including me, responsible.
I understand that if I am uncertain about whether a particular use of computers or the Internet is appropriate, I am to ask a teacher or supervisor. I also understand that by the terms of the AUP, I am required to report any misuse of computers or the Internet to my teachers or supervisors.
I release Mountain Christian School Administration and Staff, those affiliated with Mountain Christian School and its Board of Directors from any claims or damages of any nature arising from my access or use of computers or the Internet. I also agree not to hold Mountain Christian School responsible for materials improperly acquired on the system or for violations of copyright restrictions, users’ mistakes or negligence, or any costs I might incur.