Tax Receipts
Please note that tax receipts will be emailed this week. Ensure you check your Spam and Junk folders. For questions on tax receipts, please email Ms. Green at directly. Thank you.
Please note that tax receipts will be emailed this week. Ensure you check your Spam and Junk folders. For questions on tax receipts, please email Ms. Green at directly. Thank you.
Our Montreal Missions Team is partnering with The Cracked Bean Co. to offer locally roasted coffee. Each bag is 400g of whole bean coffee — $20/bag — and can be ground for an additional $2/bag. Order forms can be found at both the Omega and Alpha front offices. Thank you for supporting our students, headed…
Pink Shirt Day Fundraiser Forms went out yesterday for “Be Kind” T-Shirt Orders. Youth and Adult sizes are available. Students must return forms to their homeroom teachers by February 7th to be part of this fundraiser. Thank you Parent Action Group for organizing this Fundraiser for our School! We value your support!
The Grads are putting on a movie night for the Alpha campus on January 30 from 3:00 to 4:45pm. The funds raised will be going towards the grade 12 graduation. The permission forms for this event have gone out today so please return them by Monday, Jan 26 with the $10 fee. We can also…
Our Omega Campus Christmas Concert is happening tonight at Bethel Church! Please ensure that your student will be at the church by 5 pm. If you have a donation ready for the “Bags of Love” Fundraiser in support of local foster children, please bring it. Thank you for your support of this campaign. We look…
The winter session for Munchalunch is now up and ready for online orders. The session runs from January 13th to March 14 with the due dates being the Thursday before the following week at 11am. Please note that we have changed the pizza day to Tuesdays so that they never get missed.
Please check your email inbox (and Junk folder!) for the Ski Trip Forms that were just sent to parents in digital form. Students receive hard copies today. Extra copies will be available at the Front Office. Form and payment submission deadline is Monday December 16th. Late forms will NOT be accepted. Thank you for understanding.…
Please check out the poster below for our Christmas Concerts! Note that the Alpha Campus Concert is tomorrow! Everyone is welcome to attend! See you there!
Ice Cream sandwiches can be purchased with a Concession Punch Card! Thanks for your support of our Grad!
Dear parents, last month, we have requested that all our students to submit a medical waiver. Forms were both handed out to students in hard copy form as well as emailed in digital form to parents. Despite repeated reminders, we are still missing over 30 of these forms! If you have not yet filled out…
The next meeting for PAG is on Thursday, Dec 5th at 6:30 pm at the Alpha campus. Parents, please consider attending and possibly joining. Your support and opinions are important! Thank you.
Reminder that Friday, November 15th is Photo Retake Day at both Campuses! Alpha Campus students will be scheduled first. This is your last chance for getting school pictures taken!
Parent teacher interviews will be on Wednesday, November 20 and Thursday, November 21 from 2:30 to 6:00. There will be early dismissal on both days at 1:45 and busses will run accordingly. Please arrange pickup for your child at 1:45 if they are not a bus student. We have changed the interview procedure this year…
Parents, check out the link below! The school will take a busload of students to the event. Permission slips will be sent home tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 5th! This is an incredible opportunity we are excited to promote!
LifeTouch photo proofs are being handed out in class today. Please beware of the upcoming online order deadline of Wednesday, October 30th. Order preference is online, but paper orders may be handed in to the school (teacher or front office). Photo Retake Day is Friday, November 15th if you missed the first date or are…
Hello Alpha parents. Just a reminder that our hot lunch program has started again with our first lunch being on Monday, October 28. You may order online through the MunchaLunch program on the hot lunch page on our website or follow this link: If you prefer paper forms, you can get one from the…
Attention Grade 9 and 10 Parents/Guardians An email has been sent out in regards to the spring break trip to Montreal. Please check your email for this information. As the emails sometimes do not get delivered to the inbox, please do not forget to check your spam folder. For any further questions, do…
Please click on the link below for the Fundraiser details: MCS-PARENT-ACTION-GROUP-FUNDRAISER_Purdys-Chocolates_Fall-2024 Catalogues were given to students to take home. If you need an extra copy, please see your front office. Thank you for your support of this Fundraiser!
Hello MCS families, Photo day will be this Friday, October 11, at both campuses. Alpha will be done in the morning and Omega will be done in the afternoon. If you child happens to be absent on this day, they will still have the opportunity to get their photo taken on our retake day on…
Mark your calendars! Leaflets will be sent home with Omega Campus students tomorrow, October 3, 2024.
Parents of our Gr. 7-12 students: Check your Email Inbox (Email was sent to main contact) and fill out the permission slip if your child is interested in attending the Star Wars Legions / Chess / Checkers after school Club. Mr. Hughes is running it. The Club starts this Thursday, October 3rd, and will run…
In honour of the National Truth and Reconciliation Day, Omega Campus is offering Chilli and Bannock for $5.00 during lunch this Friday, Sept. 27. Food is being prepared by a First Nations food truck owner. Please bring exact change to make the payment process smooth and simple. Thank you.
We are partnering with Red Tomato Pies, a local Pizza outlet, to deliver three flavours of pizza every Tuesday, starting tomorrow, September 24th. Cost: $3.50 per slice. Available flavours: Cheese, Pepperoni, or Ham & Pineapple. Students may use their orange punch cards (10 punches at $.3.50 each) to pay for their pizza(s) at our Daily…
Our latest yearbooks for Grades 7-12 are in! Cost is $25. Come pick yours up at the Omega Front Office!
Unfortunately, due to very low registration, the MCS trip to the Alberta Leadership Conference for Grade 9-12 students had to be cancelled. Parents who signed up and paid the $230.00 registration fee, will be contacted by the school to have their money fully refunded. We are sorry that this trip could not be realized and…
Dear parents/guardians of all MCS students, Please take note that our parent-portal has not been activated yet. The school will inform you once the portal is live. This may take a while. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards. MCS School
As in previous years, the school is again taking a group of interested Gr. 9-12 students to Camp Caroline from Wednesday, September 18 to Saturday, September 21. Trip forms have been handed out in class today. Additional forms are available at the Omega Campus front office. Please note that medical forms are now filled out…
When: Tomorrow, Thursday, September 5th Time: 3 – 6 pm Where: Both Alpha and Omega Campus What: Stroll through the school, meet your child’s teacher. Who: All MCS families.
We had to make some changes to our afternoon bussing schedule. Please note that all the stops are the same and all your children will remain at their original bus stops. The only thing that has changed is the afternoon bus route order and the times that the bus will arrive that the stops. Please…
Dear parents, Please note that your students are asked to bring their own locker lock to school. We request that students to bring their own locks by Monday, September 9th. Locks musts be mechanical ones, not ones that have to be digitally charged. If your child is unable to bring a locker lock to use…
We hope you all had a great summer! Our first day of classes this fall will be on Wednesday, September 4th, from 10:45am to 1:45pm. Busses will run according to those times. See you then!